Foto: Alex Heck
Roma Babuniak, a professional artist, has established an international reputation for her exquisite and complex compositions. She has a B.A.(Hons) in fine art and as well as being awarded international awards and plaudits, she has a following of private and public, international collectors:
Kyoto Museum of Modern Art in Japan; the Victoria and Albert Museum, London and the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh; Gonzalez Marti Museum, Valencia and the museums of Manises and L’Alcora in Spain; Landesmuseum of Graz in Austria; Museum Faenza in Italy; Museum of Varazdin in Croatia; the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlung and the Neue Sammlung in Munich are just some of the public collections associated with her work.
I have always worked in porcelain placing the play of light and shadow at the fore.
I incorporate apparently incongruous materials: perspex, porcelain, paper, wire which creates tension within the harmony of the pattern.
The work has developed and transformed through the decades, yet with each development a certain aspect of the work has been unconsciously integrated into the next direction.
The work is quiet and reserved each object capturing a fragile moment and asking to be observed and considered.